Age and gender are inevitable factors in knee degeneration. However, there are behaviors that if we can adjust, it will help preserve our knees from premature degeneration. Check out these 5 behaviors here!

Age is the main unavoidable cause of osteoarthritis. It reflects that the cartilage’s ability to repair itself is decreasing with age. At the same time, women are at higher risk than men for osteoarthritis due to hormone changes after menopause. In addition to the uncontrollable factors mentioned above, many of our behaviors also have an effect. สมัคร ufabet Therefore, hurry to adjust before premature deterioration.
Behavior modification before premature knee osteoarthritis
Don’t eat too much until you gain weight.
Being overweight puts more weight on your knees than it should, which increases your risk of premature osteoarthritis. Therefore, keeping your weight within a standard range will have a positive effect on your overall health.
Use your knees appropriately.
Squatting, such as sitting on a septic tank, sitting on a low chair, washing clothes, or even sitting on the floor, such as sitting cross-legged, sitting cross-legged, or kneeling, all cause our knee joints to bear more pressure than normal. Any organ that is used continuously like this will quickly deteriorate. Therefore, you should avoid doing any activities that require you to bend your knees a lot for a long period of time. However, if you cannot avoid it, you should change your posture and sit on a chair with your legs dangling or sit on a stretcher to reduce the pressure on your knee joints.
Exercise properly
Exercise is good, but it should not be too strenuous. This helps to reduce the burden on the knee joints and reduce injuries to various organs.
Avoid contact sports
For example, football, basketball, rugby, and Muay Thai. These sports all increase the chances of the knee being hit until the cartilage or tendons inside are torn, which will make the knee joint weaker. Those who are beginning to have symptoms or want to reduce the risk of osteoarthritis should turn to less-contact sports such as cycling or swimming instead.
Don’t neglect diseases you’ve had.
People who suffer from gout, rheumatoid arthritis, or have joint infections, these symptoms will cause the cartilage on the knee joint to be destroyed and deteriorate faster than normal, causing pain and stiffness. Therefore, these diseases should be controlled and treated until they are well and the advice of a specialist doctor should be followed closely. In addition, people who have had an accident or knee injury but left it untreated or received improper treatment or did not take care of themselves continuously after treatment are also more likely to develop osteoarthritis than the general population.
Therefore, if you have a knee injury, you should seek treatment from a specialist and avoid other factors that may cause knee degeneration. However, you should check your health regularly to stay healthy and free from illnesses.