Many people, especially office workers, often experience numbness in various places due to sitting still for a long time. But did you know? Numbness can also be cause by a lack of certain vitamins. So what should you eat? Can you cure numbness and nourish your nerves?

Many people have probably experienced “numbness”, especially in the tips of their hands or feet. There is a tingling sensation or a feeling like many small needles are being pricked. This symptom can generally be caused. By compression of the nerves in the arms, wrists, feet or ankles, nerve injuries or a lack of certain types of nutrients. The main causes are not serious, such as sitting or standing in the same position for a long time, not moving for a period of time, and a lack of certain vitamins. Such as vitamin B1 and B12, which are not difficult to fix, สมัคร ufabet but you have to eat the right and sufficient amounts.
Get to know vitamins B1 and B12
- Vitamin B1 is responsible for burning sugar, helps prevent anemia and beriberi, nourishes nerves and muscles. And helps the heart function normally. If the body lacks vitamin B1, it will cause fatigue, numbness in fingers and toes, and will have a negative effect on the heart muscles.
- Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells. The functioning of the central nervous system, and the digestive system, and prevents fatigue from anemia.
Causes of numbness caused by vitamins
Lack of consumption of certain grain sources, especially unpolished grains. Because vitamin B1 is found in the seed coat. Which is lost after the seed is polished to become white rice or white flour products. And consuming foods that interfere with the absorption of vitamin B1, such as certain plants, such as betel leaves, areca nuts, drinking tea, or fermented fish, etc.
The body’s needs are temporarily higher due to physiological changes, such as pregnant and lactating women, children in their growing years, people who perform heavier physical labor than normal, athletes, people with chronic illnesses for a long time, people with hyperthyroidism, certain illnesses such as gastrointestinal surgery, and patients undergoing dialysis.
What kind of food can prevent numbness?
- Choose to eat unpolished grains such as brown rice, riceberry, Job’s tears, millet, and various types of sesame regularly to get vitamin B1 regularly.
- Drink milk in appropriate amounts to increase vitamin B12.
- Choose to eat meat regularly, but focus on choosing foods that are not too high in fat. Cut off the fat or skin before cooking to get enough vitamin B12.
For musculoskeletal and neurological problems, a comprehensive exercise plan should be developed regularly. And a physical therapist or sports scientist may be consulted if appropriate exercise advice is needed.