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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

“Quality protein” for the elderly to prevent loss of muscle mass

Protein, an important nutrient for the elderly in many ways, reveals 4 quality protein for the elderly and precautions to eat in moderation “Protein” is an important nutrient for the elderly because it is a nutrient that helps build strong muscles. It also helps tighten muscles,

Revealing the causes of liver cancer

Did you know? More than half of liver cancer risk factors can be controlled. And it’s not just from heavy alcohol consumption that causes liver cirrhosis. Reveal the risks and warning symptoms of the disease that you need to know. Cancer statistics from the National

“Diarrhea” at a level that needs to be watched out for may

Diarrhea or loose stools may be normal for some people, but if neglected and it becomes more severe, it may be a sign of disease, revealing dangers that must be observed according to the level of severity. Diarrhea is divided into 3 types. What causes

Is it good to use a face mask every day?

  There are many types of face mask on the market today, including moisturizing masks that brighten the skin and conditioning the skin. Masks can be used every day. But the type of mask and the skin condition of each person must be taken into

Dragon fruit: Is it fattening? Which color is good?

Dragon fruit is a fruit with a sweet taste and is full of many  health benefits. It can also be eaten as a fruit to help you lose weight . Many people may wonder how much they should eat to avoid getting fat, or how to eat it

4 Vitamins to Nourish the Brain and Improve Memory

Brain vitamins are beneficial for enhancing the efficiency of the nervous system, which includes thinking and learning abilities, concentration, and memory. Brain vitamins can be obtained by eating a variety of nutritious foods in appropriate amounts, or, if necessary, by taking brain vitamins through dietary

5 habits you should do after waking up in the morning 

5 habits you should do after waking up in the morning Adjust accordingly and your health will improve! Want to have good health We can start simple. From the moment you wake up. By changing our habits to get these 5 things, it will improve our health in many

7 habits that make you age quickly, your skin wrinkles

7 habits that make you age quickly, your skin wrinkles, and your risk for disease. If you don’t want to look old, fix it quickly! I don’t want to get old quickly. Risk of serious disease. Recommend to quit these 7 habits immediately. Because these habits. When