If you want to eat vegetables to lower blood pressure, here are 5 vegetables you should have at home.
Hypertension is another health problem that needs to be taken care. Because is the source of many serious diseases such as cerebrovascular disease, heart disease. People with high blood pressure must take great care of their health. And of course, taking care of their diet is an important part.
Many people turn to eating more vegetables and fruits because vegetables and fruits that are high in potassium can help control blood pressure to be โปรโมชั่น ufabet at a normal level. Follow along and see if you want to choose vegetables. What vegetables are interesting to have at home?
Eat vegetables to reduce blood pressure. What vegetables are there?
Let’s start with a Thai kitchen vegetable, cucumber. It’s easy to eat and suitable for all ages. In addition to cucumber being a vegetable with a fairly high amount of water content, it makes the skin beautiful and helps add water to the skin. Cucumber also has the ability to help maintain blood sugar levels, reduce blood pressure, and help expel toxins from the body. It is considered an easy-to-find vegetable that should be kept in the refrigerator.
Celery is a vegetable that is high in potassium. Therefore, it helps reduce prevents coronary heart disease, and helps blood vessels expand well. Those who are prone should eat celery regularly to help maintain a healthy balance with food.
If you look at it superficially, you might feel that potatoes are a vegetable that is high in carbohydrates. But in fact, potatoes are a vegetable that is very beneficial, especially in terms of helping to reduce high blood pressure, preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing fat, and helping to prevent anemia. But you have to eat it in the right amount (don’t eat too much because it is really high in carbohydrates).
The highlight of cabbage as a vegetable that reduces is that cabbage contains anthocyanins, which can help prevent heart disease and blood vessel disease, reduce high blood pressure, and reduce LDL cholesterol.
In addition, cabbage, whether green or purple-red, is rich in many vitamins. The most important nutrient is tartaric acid. This substance can help prevent the conversion of sugar in the body to fat, which helps with weight loss and lowers cholesterol.
Chinese cabbage
Finally, another easy-to-find and easy-to-eat vegetable is Chinese cabbage. Chinese cabbage is a vegetable high in calcium, and calcium has the ability to help reduce. It has properties that help nourish red blood cells, promote urination, help reduce water retention, and help nourish the body.